I ride my bike for nature's rights


Paul Alexandru Beldiman Pachamama România

6.6% Complete
330 RON
Sumă strânsă
5,000 RON

Every morning on the road brings different perspective! I am a messenger. My name is Alex  and  I became addicted  to long term travelling, to the “open road syndrome” , as I call it.  I added the passion for cycling and now I have my cocktail of freedom! Freedom to choose my  way of being the change I want to see in the future world of my children. Freedom to be the voice of Mother Earth that needs us now.

I now present you the actors of this crazy 15 000 km cycling adventure:

a message in a bottle (the bottle is me:D) about how we can awaken ourselves to the reality of our  primordial state of being, as integrated elements of Mother Nature. In order to  recognize the intrinsic and inalienable  Rights of Mother Nature.  To create laws that protect her.


adventure spirit

- strong legs

will, desire, passionvision to be a drop in the ocean of change, because every drop falls in the right place


Recomandă-le prietenilor această campanie.

în beneficiul

Credem cu tărie că fiecare persoană vine cu o menire, iar dacă ne recunoaștem chemarea și îi răspundem cu bucurie ne vom putea ajuta nu doar pe noi, ci și pe cei alături de noi, inclusiv Planeta.


Drepturile Naturii

Drepturile Naturii înseamnă recunoașterea faptului că ecosistemul nostru – incluzând copacii, oceanele, animalele, munții – au tot atâtea drepturi ca și oamenii.


THE JOURNEY It’s about raising awareness in order to promote the Rights of Nature European Citizens Initiative (ECI). Through this initiative, the Rights of Nature Europe organisation aims to introduce a proposal on the legislative agenda of the EU to establish rights of nature in law. Rights of nature will shift the way we relate to our environment by bringing fundamental change to our


4 Donații

Hi! from Los Molinos del Río Aguas, Spain
08 Dec 2015
Succes! :)
10 Sep 2015
Aripi de natura sa aveti!
01 Sep 2015
Mult succes baieti! Drum bun!
23 Jul 2015